Blog - Video

Welcome on my blog! You can find here lot of informations about me, skiing and of course actual informations on how I'm doing, where I am right now and what's in my plan. Don't miss great photos, videos and of course video blogs. If you like any blog post I will really appreciate your share, like or comment...

Races in Germany, Czechia and Russia in February Mar 25, 2019

** translated by GOOGLE TRANSLATE After the World Championships in the USA I traveled to the European Cup in Grasgehren, Germany. Honestly, I was traveling around my neck, but the coach wanted me to go and he's the boss :) In Grasgehren, there were 1 day training and 2 races on the program. The starting field was charged because there was no World Cup at this time. There were about 70 men at the...

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World Championships in Solitude, USA Feb 11, 2019

** TRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE From Canada, I moved to Salt Lake City, USA, where the world championships were waiting for me at the end of January and February. Let me tell you that it was fun at Toronto airport because it was the only direct flight to Salt Lake City that day. All teams therefore flew the same aircraft and the volume of the luggage was enormous. I arrived at the airport 2.5 h...

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World cup races in Sweden and Canada Jan 27, 2019

Ahojte, tento blog píšem z USA, kde sme sa presunuli z Kanady. Poďme však postupne. Pred 2 týždňami som odlietal na preteky do Švédska, konkrétne do Idre Fjall, kde máme preteky pravidelne každý rok. Doma som bol len 2 dni a riešil som problémy s chrbtom. Pri poslednom tréningu v Reiteralme v sobotu ma totiž seklo a vôbec sa to nezlepšovalo. Takže 2 dni ma dávali dokopy fyzioterapeuti, za čo im pa...

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Training continues and first world cup race is getting closer Nov 19, 2018

** TRANSLATED WITH GOOGLE TRANSLATE Our snow training continues very intensively. In November, I have been offended for many days in the past 2 weeks, spending 10 days on Pitztal. The first block consisted of 5 days of training in the skicross track, no weather in the weather, and some days we did not reach the track because of the strong wind. For two days we went to the Ramsau coach and returne...

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Last race of season in Lofsdalen, Sweden May 2, 2018

*** TRANSLATED WITH GOOGLE TRANSLATE *** After 2 weeks I managed to make a report from the last races of the season in Sweden. To the north I traveled with our new skicross hopes Nikou, who started to ride this year. However, after my last experience with the car, we have to Sweden, respectively. Oslo flew. Direct flight, 2h in airplane, but just luxury. The only minus is the very limited luggage...

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Finally I secured my world cup spot! Mar 27, 2018

* translated by Google translate Hi, maybe you caught on my Facebook over the weekend, maybe not. At the last race I managed to make a new point in my career, plus I secured a place in the World Cup for the next year! I say honestly, I have not even hoped for a very unsuccessful season, but eventually it did succeed ... After the races in the Idre Fjall in Sweden, we spent 4 days in Are, where w...

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Two 4th places in Idre Fjall, Sweden Mar 20, 2018

Po nevydarených nočných pretekoch v nemeckom Mittenwalde som si potreboval dať pauzu od lyží. Išiel som domov na 9 dní a venoval som sa len kondičnému tréningu. Potom sme sa rozhodli, že vynecháme finále európskeho pohára v rakúskom Reiteralme a miesto toho pôjdeme do Švédska na 3 preteky. Doug (tímový kolega) už odišiel domov do Austrálie, takže som zostal len ja, Lee a Fritz (tréner). Do Švédsk...

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Night race in Mittenwald, Germany Mar 11, 2018

Európsky pohár pokračoval v nemeckom Mittenwalde, nočným šprint závodom. Na tento pretek som sa tešil, lebo pretekať večer je zmena a zmeny mám rád. Tento rok sa mi však v európskom pohári vôbec nedarilo a musím povedať, že trápenie pokračuje. Do Nemecka sme cestovali vo štvrtok ráno od trénera a už večer sme mali prvý tréning. Prvý krát v živote sme mali so sebou aj servismana (človeka, čo sa ná...

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Wiener schnitzel is disgusting in Germany! Feb 26, 2018

Určite to poznáte, celý deň sa tešíte ako si dáte večer obľúbené jedlo, no potom príde sklamanie. V Nemecku je wiener schnitzel čistý podvod! Rezen je úplne odlišný a nechutný... Toľko na úvod :) Uplynulý týždeň pokračoval európsky pohár, ako už iste viete v Nemecku, konkrétne v stredisku Grasgehren. V minulosti som tu už štartoval na európskom aj svetovom pohári, takže stredisko poznám veľmi dobr...

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European cups in Lenk, Switzerland Jan 28, 2018

Náš mesačný trip po pretekoch pokračoval vo Švajčiarsku. Na programe boli dva európske poháre a jeden FIS pretek. Lenk je tradičná zastávka v kolotoči EC a tento rok to bola moja tretia účasť na tomto mieste. Organizátori pripravili takmer identickú trať s predchádzajúcim rokom, až na drobné zmeny. Úprimne poviem, že trať nebola to pravé orechové, všetky prekážky boli dosť malé, napriek tomu, že s...

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